Friday, December 23, 2011

The Sacrificial Lamb

Many Biblical scholars are in agreement that the town of Bethlehem was the home of the lambs that were used for the sacrifices in the Temple at Jerusalem. Bethlehem was fairly close to the capital city and we know that fields surrounding it had been used for sheep-grazing since the time of King David. What is interesting is that many of the stables in the town were birthing stables. The concept that Jesus was very possibly born in a birthing stable is beyond coincidence.

These lambs were set aside as special. They had to meet certain criteria, such as no blemishes and only male lambs were considered. This type of lamb was used as a Passover lamb, Exod. 12:5. The blood of this lamb was placed on the lintel and doorposts of the homes of the Israelites just over 3,500 years ago. When God slew the firstborn in the land of Egypt, He passed over the houses with the blood - a perfect picture of what Jesus did on the cross - the Lamb of God.

The Father no doubt sent Jesus to one of these birthing stables to be born. This is a beautiful picture of what His life was really about. Just like those lambs that were born to be sacrifices, Jesus was likewise born as the perfect and final sacrifice.

'For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.' Luke 2:11