Saturday, January 16, 2010


'Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.' Ps. 107:2
This verse came to my mind this morning and especially the word - redeemed. It means to buy back, but for the Christian the implication is tremendous:

I was on the slave block of Sin and Satan was my master. I was dressed in tattered rags which barely covered me. I hung my head in humiliation feeling totally worthless. Then One stepped forward with authority and said, 'I will buy him.'
'The price is high,' Satan sneered, 'how much are you willing to pay?'
This One looked at me with compassion, and told Satan, 'I have redeemed him with My life, now let him go.'
Jesus took the rags from me, and gave me the finest clothes. He then said, 'I have set you free. You are no longer in bondage to sin. My Father is the supreme Ruler of all. You are being adopted into the family. You are an heir; you are a royal prince.' In response to my wondering question, Jesus responded, 'Because I love you, more than you will ever know.'
With that, I threw myself at His feet and declared, 'I was a slave to sin, and I am still a slave, but I will no longer do the bidding of Satan. You are my Master; you are my King. I will serve only You all of my life.'

The price of redeeming His children was high, and we as children of God should remember that. We should also remember that when Jesus bought us back from the slave market of sin, He also provided us the victory over sin. I was reading Romans 8 last week. There is a great contrast between the unsaved or carnal Christian described in Romans 7 and the Romans 8 Christian who has been freed from the bondage of sin. We are free! We have the victory! Let us go forward with this promise: nothing 'shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.' Rom. 8:39