May the grace and peace of God be with you this season. We are thankful for His blessings and grace in our lives.
Although it has been a colder than normal month of December, we have been very fortunate to not only have a well-working central heating system, but a wood-burning stove with plenty of wood. It makes for a very cozy basement. Kathy and I are doing well, and have become empty-nesters once again with the moving of Pat and Allie last weekend to a carriage house in Indian Hill - one of the nicest suburbs of Cincinnati. They have a very nice and reasonably priced place.
Pat has one more semester to complete before becoming an RN next summer. But his educational plans are more far-reaching. We are proud of what he has done and are confident that he will meet his long-range goals. Allie is doing well in her business endeavors. She has been successful in a tough economy and met her business goals for the year.
Aaron and Michelle completed their studies this year. Michelle became an RN this past summer, and is now working at Jewish Hospital, the same hospital she worked at as an LPN a couple years ago. We watched as Aaron graduated from Xavier with an MBA this past summer. It was a great day!
Joe is still working at Grace Plastics as our accountant. He and Danielle just returned from a three-week trip to Australia, Danielle's birthplace. We were all jealous, but know they had a good time. Danielle proved to be a top-notch photographer with wonderful pictures of the continent down-under.
Elizabeth and Brian presented us with our first granddaughter, Ava Kathleen. She is healthy and her big brother Garrett is getting used to the idea that the universe doesn't revolve only around him. They are still in South Carolina, and Brian has been doing a great job as estimator with Trehel, the commercial construction company he works for. Elizabeth has been putting in a lot of over-time in her job as a mom, although she feels a lot better than she did a couple months ago when she was great with child.
For a down economy, Grace Plastics has been doing very well. We added another grinder this past summer, and although we are still working two shifts, a third shift is planned within the next couple months. We just need to get more organized.
From Grace Place to your place, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a blessed new year!
All our love,
Harold and Kathy Johnson
great letter!!